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Back to the main page Back to the documentation 1. Overview: Watershed 2. Availiable methods

Overview: Watershed

Create a Delauney triangulation and assign a quantity (for example the particle density) to each vertex. From this locate the local minimas, i.e. vertices where all of the neighbors have a larger value of the quantity. Then we fill "water" into the minimas until they "overflow" into a nearby basin. This defines watershed basins: a collection of particles that belong to a given minima. We can also go further and continue filling water into the basins until they overflow into a basin with lower density and thereby get larger and larger basins (this is a simple merging that I've not bothered doing yet). This can be used as a void and halo finder (which also gives us sub-voids and sub-halos).

Figure 1: Watershed regions

Availiable methods

// A general watershed algorithm
template<class T, class U>
  void WatershedGeneral(
      MPIPeriodicDelaunay<T, VertexDataWatershed> & PdT,
      T *p,
      size_t NumPart,
      std::vector & quantity,
      std::vector<U> & watershed_groups);

// Same as above but where quantity is the density (mass of particle over Voronoi volume)
// and where we create the triangulation within the method
template<class T, class U>
  void WatershedDensity(
      T *p,
      size_t NumPart,
      std::vector<U> & watershed_groups,
      double buffer_fraction = 0.30,
      double random_fraction = 0.5);
      bool do_density_maximum = false);